Drupalcon Austin, performance tips, Drupal.org har numera profilbilder, scheduler, campaignion, linkit, RestFul server, Ajax Blocks och många fler nyheter
Drupal Association
- DrupalCon Austin
- DrupalCon Austin Videos
- State of Drupal
- Giving credit to organizations that contribute code to Drupal
- Building Community on Drupal.org
- DA Audited Financials
- This month in Drupal Documentation
- Två svenska vinster i Blue Drop Awards
- DrupalCon Amsterdam Keynote speaker Cory Doctorow
Drupal 8
- Rerolling patches for PSR-4
- Quick guide to Drupal 8 release management tags
- Multilingual improvements
- Challenges and Opportunities in the Upcoming Drupal 8 Upgrade
- Page Manager
Världsliga nyheter
- Spotify hackat
- Australien inför Drupal på 437 sajter
- Acquia köper TruCentric
- Aktiv contributer
- Drupal infographics